Monday, 1 December 2014

Digital Mood Boards

Our next module is Alternate Techniques.
This meaning that we will progress our technical skills from first year and developing them into flats and mood boards.

Today I'm presenting my brand board, Zara and my Customer Profile. The boards still need labels but all are a working progress.

Brand Board

For my brand board I chose a collection of images that represented the store at it finest. From silhouettes to the company logo, labels and an inside look of the store. These I thought were the main focus on the store. As Zara has a black to white colour scheme with their designs and store I opted to select imagery of the store that represented it. 

The way that I've presented the images on the board is in the same style that the store presents their items, clean and to the point.

Customer Profile

For my customer profile I've selected a small selection of imagery that pointed out the obvious things about the customer. 
I have also done a small type up of the details about the customer, Alicia Brown. And an even smaller type up will be added to the board.

In both of these boards I have displayed a boarder around the left side and on the top to add more to the presentation. The grey boarder in the  brand board is presenting the tones that appear in the company where as the yellow on the customer profile shows the customers favourite colour.

A concept board is another thing that is in the progress, representing the theme for my designs. Which will feature textures, colours and silhouettes.

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